The E-portfolio
The “learning process portfolio” means collecting students’ homework or works systematically and purposely so as to create portfolios which can be the basis of evaluation. The electronic learning portfolio is in accordance with the contents of traditional portfolio, but E-portfolio has features of being features easy storage and management, and it can save many spaces of classrooms. In addition, scholars point out keeping an E-portfolio can provide an opportunity for students to reflect his or her growth as a learner, and provide them different ways to show their knowledge, skill, and artistic abilities. E-portfolio allows teachers and students to better assess students’ work for evaluation purposes and for monitoring development and achievement levels. (Dorn & Sabol, 2006).
The Assessment Strategies of E-portfolio
1. To store and present E-portfolio with Blog and use Blog as e-learning materials and a communicating place for the curriculum. The researcher stored the students’ E-portfolios of the “Creative architecture” curriculum, including the records of instruction (photos, records of discussions), the process of creation (the design draft, the pictures of every week’s progress), pictures of the final work, and PowerPoint slide show of each student group (ideas of the work, procedures, drafts, process of creation, the final works, self evaluation, feedbacks and afterthoughts, and references). Students can present the E-portfolios on the Blog platform installed by the teacher,, interact and communicate with each other.
2. To provide students with an instant feedback platform with comment functions of Blog as teacher’s basis of diagnosis and assessment for the curriculum. The Blog platform provides an easy and instant feedback function. The teacher and students can use it to discuss and exchange problems and afterthoughts of the instruction. It also helps students learn from each other’s works. The competitions and learning from peers becomes a good interactive model.
3. To provide links to teaching resources on other websites and to use peer assessment to promote cooperative learning. This instruction uses the Blog platform as an area for exchange. The researcher presents students’ works by the digital photo albums, and implements the evaluation anonymously so as to raise the objectivity of the grades. In addition, the peer assessment implemented in groups and classes will promote the cooperative learning.
4. To design an art portfolio scoring list for peer assessment so as to advance the cooperative learning. The items of the curriculum evaluation include feedback in the process (the comments on Blog), reviews after the instruction, the learning achievement (the slide shows students have created), and the final creations. These contain the qualitative descriptions and the quantitative statistics of rating scales.